Before you start creating Assets

Make sure that you select the right company, site & location.  Not all companies will have locations, but all will have a site by default.  If you select “--Site --“ you will see all the items for that company,  if you have the security of course

Company Context

Creating assets

Assets can be created at the Site and Location levels of the company, so it is important that you select the right site or location before you create an asset.

ALERT:  If you don't have at least a Site selected, you will not be able to create an asset

Add Asset

Asset Specifications

When you create an asset, its details page will be displayed.  One of the most important aspects of an asset is its specification.  The specification provides the system with specific details which other parts of the system rely on.  For example:  A tyre asset will be assigned an original tread depth.  This tread depth is important to reporting and tyre life aspects of the system.

Therefore, creating an asset relies on having the asset specification available in the company library. By assigning a specification to an asset its technical specifications are automatically filled in for you.   Remember, the more data you enter when creating an asset the more useful data you will be able to derive from the various reports.

Asset Detail