So what are objects?

In TMaSS each asset is represented on the screen as an object, and each of these objects has its own icon, making it easier to quickly identify what data type you are working with. Although there are many objects in TMaSS, there are three specific types, an approved asset, a temporary asset and an In-Active asset.

An approved asset displays a green icon without any overlays Active Icon

A temporary asset, displays an alert overlay Temporary icon

An In-Active asset displays a grey icon In-Active Icon

Each asset object displays important information directly on the tile.  This gives the user quick insight into its information.  For example:  A vehicle object shows what fleet it has been assigned, its model and it's next pressure test date. 

Object Tyres:

The objects shown below are only a small number of the actual objects in TMaSS.  

Vehicle Vehicle object
Rim / Wheel Rim - Wheel object
Tyre  Tyre Object
Assembly Assembly object
Temporary  Temporary Asset
In-Active In-Active asset

Approving a temporary asset

Once a user in the field has created a temporary asset it may need to be approved.  The approval process is handled by back office staff, and is a quick process.  The approve button can be seen below on the ‘edit’ context menu.  If you do not see this function, you do not have the appropriate rights to approve temporary assets.

Approve Temporary Asset

Once an asset is approved it will need to be edited and the appropriate specification assigned. 

NOTE:  An asset can remain in the temporary state for the duration of it’s life in the system.  However, depending on the type of asset some functions may not be available.