Adding a Vehicle Asset

Adding a vehicle asset to TMaSS is easy. Simply by pressing the ‘Add’ button a menu will be displayed showing what assets can be created:

Add asset menu dropdown

  If you don’t see the ‘Add’ button  , then your security settings do not allow you to add assets, or you have not selected a site

Adding a vehicle is quick and easy with only 6 fields to which you can enter data, and only one being mandatory.  The three main fields you should populate are:

  • Vehicle Asset Number (mandatory)
  • Vehicle Specification
  • Pressure Test Frequency

Add Vehicle dialogue

Add Vehicle Asset

The specification field is tremendously important when creating a vehicle asset, it determines the number of positions and what assembly type can be fitted. If a specification is not assigned, then reporting and position related functions will not work correctly.

It may seem a bit odd that the specification field is so important yet it is not mandatory; this is due to the nature of temporary assets. There will be times when assets are created in the field and no specifications are available, so have this field as mandatory is counterproductive.

For a Tutorial on how to create a Vehicle asset please go here: