
Fleets are a grouping of specific vehicles used primarily for reporting purposes. Although the concept of the fleet within TMaSS is a simple one, they can be extremely powerful.

Fleets are located and created within the Fleets sub-module located in Assets Module.

Fleets Sub-Module

Creating fleet is a simple process, however adding vehicles to a fleet is completed by accessing the context menu associated with a vehicle object.

To add a Fleet, navigate to the ‘Fleets’ sub-module and press the  button located on the far right of the screen and select ‘Add Fleet’ from the menu.  The below dialogue box will be displayed asking you to type a fleet name, which is mandatory, and a description.  Once finished press to  save. Once created the fleet object will be displayed in the object or data context.

Add Fleet dialogue

The Fleet data object displays the name of the fleet, in this case below ‘Earth Moving’ along with a brief description and its location, in this case 'Sandgate'.  This helps with identifying the specifics about the fleet as well as its location in the system.

From the context menu, you can view the contents of the fleet or edit the contents, although only removing vehicles is permitted.

Fleet context menu

Viewing or Editing the contents of a Fleet

There may be times when you may need to review what vehicles are in a fleet, or remove vehicles that may be no longer in service.  This can be achieved from either the View  or Edit  context menu. 

Both the edit and view Fleets dialogue are the same except for the edit dialogue allowing the removal of vehicles.  NOTE:  You can also edit the Name of a fleet.


View Fleet  Edit Fleet

For more information on creating a fleet please go here:  http://help.tmass.com.au/support/solutions/articles/33000097971-create-and-add-vehicles-to-a-fleet