Add a pressure to a vehicle

Using a vehicle asset you created earlier (if you have not created one select any available vehicle) from the assets context menu click the “Add” context menu and select ‘Add Pressure’

You need to be in the Asset module to complete this tutorial.

  • Select a company and site and find a current vehicle asset
  • From the assets context menu click the “Add” context menu and select ‘Add Pressure’
  • With Position 1 selected, add a Reading and an Adjustment.  Note that only the ‘Reading’ field is mandatory.
  • Cycle through each available position and add a Reading and Adjustment, you can also add various consumables to each position.
  • One you have finished entering your data, confirm that each position associated consumable changes as you cycle through the positions.
  • Once you have finished, click Save and exit.

  • You can also view a tyre pressure report to confirm your data.  If this is the first pressure entry for the vehicle, you will not see previous readings, variance, variance average or trend. The sample below shows pressure readings for

For more information on adding Pressures, go here: