View a vehicle inspection

Once you have completed your vehicle inspection you will want to view it at some point. Once you have   saved an inspection, an inspection object is saved into the ‘Inspections’ sub-module.  Viewing inspections, like all other functions is completed via the context menu system.

View Inspection

Finding the inspection, you would like to view could prove a challenge when the system is in high use, however this is where TMaSS shines.  Not only can you filter your inspections by asset type, but you can search for the asset number, filter by date range and even show only inspections completed by a certain user. 

The Inspections sub-module contains an additional function bar to help you narrow the search for particular inspections. 

The menu bar is self-explanatory.  For example:  If you need to find an inspection done by Wayne Peterson, between 6/5/2015 & 7/6/2015 you would enter the following search information