Edit Positions

Let’s try editing the positions on a vehicle asset.  Pick your vehicle you created earlier and then complete the following steps.

  • Select a company and site where a vehicle asset is located
  • Once you have found the vehicle, click (web) or tap (iPad) on the assets object and select the edit  menu.  From the menu select ‘Edit Positions”

                Edit Positions context menu

  • Select any of the listed positions and press remove. The assembly will be removed from the vehicle as shown below.

Position Details Dialogue

  • Save your changes to exit the dialogue.
  • When the ‘Update Hours’ dialogue appears, enter a new hours figure and press save.

Update Hours dialogue

  • You can confirm that the assembly has been removed by viewing the positions again.
  • Can you now re-add the assembly to your vehicle?  Give it a try.
  • If your computer is configured for email, try sending yourself the position report.

If you need further information, refer to http://help.tmass.com.au/support/solutions/articles/33000205729-editing-and-viewing-vehicle-positions