The Strip and Fit function has been deprecated and has been replaced by Manage Positions in version 

The strip and fit procedure is one of the most frequent functions field staff complete.  Being able to strip a tyre off a rim while it is still attached to a vehicle increases efficiently and enhances the workflow.  The Strip and Fit dialogue will be familiar to you as it contains the same basic layout as the Change Assembly Position dialogue, but with a few changes.

The image below shows the layout of the strip and fit dialogue.  You will be comfortable with the layout as you have seen it before, the main difference is, when you strip a tyre, you will be required to add some additional information, such as a removal reason and inner and outer tread depths as well as vehicle hours.

Stip and Fit dialogue

The main function provided by this dialogue is to removean existing tyre from a position and add the required spare to it.

To remove the tyre from the exist assembly press the remove button located beside the tyre, shown in the below left image.  Conversely, to add a spare tyre to the new assembly press the add button

When you remove a tyre and add a new tyre to a position, you are effectively creating a new assembly.