Release Date:  15-11-2017

Instance Updated:  Production

Release notes

Bug Fixes:

PIL-1365 Error "Error: Subreport could not be shown" in Vehicle pressure test report

PIL-1366 Users listed twice in the reports dialogue when running the historical system report

PIL-1370 Highlighted site is overlapped by buttons in the company structure

PIL-1369 Sub-Region field is not saving in company site details 

PIL-1371 Align and move down the security scope object text / details field 

PIL-1374 When adding and asset then pressing the "+" button to save, the cost is removed 

PIL-1375 if the date is changed when moving an assembly to a vehicle, when a vehicle is selected, the date resets to current date

PIL-1376 Creating a user group then editing, the group doesn't save the edits

PIL-1377 When I press the "Delete" function on a user group, the group isn't deleted

PIL-1379 Align the Vehicle hours in the Tyre Life Report

PIL-1382 Running a company wide inventory report based on region shows all sub-regions in the report header

PIL-1381 Users able to do manager review on Safety observation without uploading a signature image when they should not be able to

PIL-1380 Not all data syncing to iPad

Features & Improvements:

PIL-1354 Edit Company Details dialogue modification 

PIL-1373 Change the minimum number of assets in the "Add Multiple Assets" to 2