The Tyre Asset Consumption report is a site level report that provides details as to assets that have been consumed for the month.  Consumed means that either a 'New' or 'Spare' tyre has had it's disposition changed to 'In Production', and is generally available from version 1.66.0

NOTE:  This is a web side report only.  It is NOT available on the iPad

This report is presented in a yearly format providing a monthly overview of New and Spare tyres consumed, followed by a graphical representation of this information, and concluding with the individual detail. 

Monthly Overview

Graphical representation

Consumption Detail

This report can be found in the inventory section of the reporting module and is identifiable by the following object:

When running the report, you select the year you wish to report on, then either a Dynamic Access Group, Asset Group, individual assets, or all assets as shown below.

NOTE:  This report is not retrospective, meaning that only assets that have had their dispositions changed as of version 1.66.0 will be reflected in this report.