There may be a time where a tyre has been scrapped by accident and needs to be restored.  To remove a scrap tyre complete the following steps.

  • Confirm that you are in the correct company and site / location
  • Confirm that you have the correct filters.  To view view 'scraped' tyres, change your filters to:
    • In the asset filter select "In-Active Assets". You will find it by scrolling all the way to the bottom.
    • From the disposition filter, select "scrap" 
  • Now complete a search for you asset

  • Once you have found the required asset, from the 'Edit' context menu select "Activate".  NOTE:  Once activated the assets disposition will remain as 'Scrap'.  If you wish to change its disposition, find it again and select 'Edit' from the edit context menu. 
  • ALERT:  Remember to reset your filters once you have activated the required assets.  In this case, you remove "In-Active" from the asset filter and leave the disposition as "Scrap" until you edit and modify it's disposition.