The Inventory sub-module is located in the Assets module and allow you to create Stocktake's based on Site and or Location, Asset type and dispositions.  

To create a stocktake, press the add button.  

By default the stocktake will be created at the current site.  If the add button is not displayed, please check with your administrator that you have the appropriate role security assigned, or you may not have a site selected.

  1. From the 'Create Stocktake' dialogue, select any location you wish to include, note that your currently selected site will be used.  
  2. Select what type of assets to include.
  3. Lastly, select what dispositions you which to include.
  4. Press the save button to create a new stocktake.

Once saved a new asset data object will be created.  The stocktake number is automatically generated, and is displayed as 'CurrentDate' + 'Initials of current user' + 'Number of stocktake's created that day'

Object Context Menu items

As with all TMaSS objects, the context menu provides access to various functions, these are:

The Add menu:

Start Stocktake - Click the 'Start Stocktake' context menu to begin the stocktake.  Once you start a stocktake, you cannot edit it.

The Edit menu:

Edit Details - Click the 'Edit Details' context menu to change the details of the stocktake.  Here you can add and remove locations, asset types and dispositions.  Note:  You cannot edit a stocktake once it has been started.

Resume - Click the 'Resume' context menu to resume a paused stocktake.  Note that this item is only visible on a paused stocktake.

Delete - Deletes the stocktake

The Reports menu:

Completed Stocktake -  Click the 'Completed Stocktake' context menu to print out the stocktake report. Note, only visible on completed stocktakes.

Stocktake Export - Click the 'Stocktake Export' context menu to create a list which can be printed out for a pen and paper stocktake.  

Variance -  Click the 'Variance' context menu to print out a list of all uncounted assets. Note, only visible on completed stocktakes.

The View menu:

Details - Click the 'Details' context menu to view what is included in the stocktake. 

Starting stocktake.

Once a stocktake is started, the Stocktake dialogue will be displayed as shown below.  

In the event that there are multiple object types in the stocktake, you can filter them to make counting easier by selected what object type to view any any one time.  You can also easily search for a specific asset.

To count an object, tick it 'Outstanding Inventory' list.  It will then be automatically moved to the 'Counted Inventory' list.  Conversely, if an object is incorrectly counted, just untick it to move it back to the'Outstanding Inventory' list.

During a stocktake there may be times where you need to pause.  Press the pause button to stop the current Stocktake.  A paused stocktake object will be displayed the a red icon with total assets and variance asset counts shown.  Click the 'Resume' edit context menu item to resume a paused stocktake.

Once a stocktake is saved, depending on its variance status, its icon will either be 'green' or 'amber'. Green denotes no variances, while and amber icon denotes that a variance in the count is observed. 

Filtering the Stocktake object view

Use the menu filter system to display a subset of stocktake objects displayed.

The object filters available are:

  • Outstanding - Shows all outstanding stocktake's regardless of status.
  • Current Month - Shows all stocktake's created in the current month regardless of status.
  • Completed - Shows all completed stocktake's.
  • Last Month - Shows all stocktake's for the last month regardless of status.
  • Paused - Shows all paused stocktake's regardless of creation date.