Finding Tyre assets in TMaSS Mobile is broken into two parts:

  1. Serial number search using the search icon on the top menu bar 
  2. Or by disposition using the Filter icon again, located on the top menu bar 

Search Bar

Clicking the search bar will open the search panel and the keyboard.  When you start typing, each character you type will being will begin to narrow down the displayed tyre assets making it easier to locate the required asset.  

If you cannot find the desired tyre but believe it is in the system, check your disposition filter is set correct or not set at all, or the site you have selected in the settings may be incorrect.  


The filter system is based on disposition.  The list of available dispositions is downloaded from the TMaSS backend.  Not that setting a filter is persistent for the current session. Meaning that the filter setting will remain selected until it's either changed manually, or the application is closed (not moved the background).

By default, the 'Show All' filter is selected.  If the filter is changed, the filter name will be highlighted blue as shown in the image below.